Seminar on Conflict Management:

Cooperative Strategies and Stress Management


You will become familiar with conflict theories and practical communication and behavioral patterns that you can apply immediately. Conflicts are inherently a normal part of many conversations. You will learn to recognize which conflicts have a positive nature and how to transform negative impacts into creative discussions. (Even physical aggression can be resolved within 1 second using these techniques.)

Content of "Cooperative Strategies and Stressmanagement:

1. From Conversation Management to Conflict Management

- Basic Rules of Communication

- Types of Conflict - An Overview

- First Steps: A Quick Diagnosis of the Escalation Level is Helpful

- No Fear of Attacks: Gather Accusations and Refutations

2. Cooperative Strategies for Conflict Resolution

- Review and Optimize Personal Attitude

- Reduce Stress Communicatively: Open Questions Instead of Justifications

- "I" and "You" Messages: Enhancement through "We" Formulations

- The Best Strategy: How to Quickly Build Sympathy

3. Unfair Attacks and How to Counter Them

- Recognize Individual Strategies: Compromise and Cooperation as Goals

- The Most Common Communication Mistakes:

- Invalid Generalizations, Rules, and Comparisons

- The Professional Resolution of Blockages

4. Special Techniques for Direct Contact

- Active Listening as a Guidance Technique

- Effective Speaking Techniques for Questions, Information, and Instructions

- Transforming Killer Phrases into Appreciative Communication

- How to Defuse Aggression with Body Language in Seconds:

- Different Strategies for Men and Women

5. Stress Management in Everyday Professional Life

- Effects of Stress: Physical and Psychological

- Relaxation in Everyday Life: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

- Mental Training

- A Breathing Technique: The Silent Helper

- The 7 Golden Anti-Stress Rules

Dates and Duration:

Total duration: 2 days, dates by arrangement


Lectures, role plays, video training, group discussions, case study work, practical exercises

Seminar Goals for Participants:

Controlling the conversation atmosphere, de-escalation strategies in direct contact, quick establishment of a positive relationship.

Participants will receive extensive materials and, upon request, a personal certificate of further education.

Here you can book the Conflict Management seminar or arrange coaching on the topic:

Klaus Krebs
Training & Consulting

Kolonnenstr. 27
10829 Berlin, Germany

Tel.: 0049 30 / 7 82 82 60
Mobil: 0049 177 / 7 82 82 60
Fax: 01803 44444-05

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