High-Impact Negotiations

Negotiation Strategies and Tactics - Mastering Negotiations for Practitioners


The success of negotiations is often based on a combination of thorough preparation, clear negotiation objectives, and the ability to positively influence and persuade the respective negotiation partners.

The confident application of all these factors requires systematic planning and situational practice. Be aware: The success of negotiations is the basis of every thriving business.

We helped enterprises in the industry, advocads and lawyers, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as authorities.

This seminar will familiarize you with structured negotiation planning, the use and impact of non-verbal signals, as well as the practice of negotiation rhetoric, argument structure, and closing techniques.

1. Introduction
2. Negotiation Strategies and Objectives

- Hard and soft negotiation styles

- The Harvard model

3. Temporal and Content Strategies and Tactics

- Gulliver's cyclical model: Tracking content changes

- Gulliver's phasic model: Shaping the structure of the process

4. Your Role as a Negotiator

- The right people

- The right group size

- Defining a clear role

5. Strategic Role Allocation in Team Negotiations

- Division in a four-person team

- The classic two-person team

6. Prerequisites for Skillful Rhetorical Argumentation

- Clarify the BATNA

- Optimize your own WATNA

7. Negotiation Tactics and Control

- Dealing with the factual position of the other side

- Consider the personal characteristics of the negotiation partner

8. Main Phases of Negotiation

- Different negotiation phases for buyers and sellers

9. Body Language as an Element in the Negotiation Process

- Negotiation-relevant categories of body language

- Personal analysis of the conscious control of non-verbal strategies

10. Understanding and Using Body Language Signals

- Some basic rules

- Non-verbal signs of insecurity and untruthfulness

- List of non-verbal signs of false statements: "The Lying List"

11. Negotiation Partners as a Source of Information

- Analyzing and recreating a setting

- Calibration: Sharpen your perception of your impact

- Listing programs to recognize subgroups

- Questioning strategies as tools

12. Presenting Your Own Offerings Attractively

- The AIDA formula and its application to your offer

13. Strategically Utilizing Objections and Counterarguments

- Win-win and win-lose strategies

- Complex negotiation strategies: Compromise, cooperation, and coopetition

- Strategically utilizing objections and counterarguments

14. Recognizing and Actively Using Closing Signals

- Calculating the needs and goals of the other side

- The use of closing prototypes

- Visual and auditory closing signals

Dates and Duration:

Total duration: 2 days. Dates and location: by arrangement.

Participants receive extensive materials and, upon request, a personal certificate.


Lectures, role-plays with fixed role assignments, video training, group discussions, escalating levels of difficulty in exercises.

Goals for Participants:

Building and managing overarching negotiation strategies, handling unfair attacks, controlling one's reactions under stress, actively achieving closure.

You can book the seminar or get coaching on this topic:
Klaus Krebs Training & Consulting

Kolonnenstr. 27
10829 Berlin, Germany

Tel.: 0049 30 / 7 82 82 60
Mobil: 0049 177 / 7 82 82 60
Fax: 01803 44444-05

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